
Election of Directors in 2023

We would like to express our sincere gratitude for your continued support.
Currently, at the general meeting of shareholders and Board of Directors held on February 24, 2023, the officers were appointed as follows.
Therefore, we are going to pursue the development of all the officers, so we look forward to your further guidance and encouragement.

Very truly yours,

President and CEO Masatoshi Shibata


Representative Director, President: Masatoshi Shibata (reappointed)
Director of Administration Group: Muneo Makino (reappointed)
Director of R&D Administration: Takanori Enomoto(reappointed)
Director of Sales Group: Norihiko Shimizu(reappointed)
Executive Officer, Iida Plant Manager: Yoshishige Ashihara (reappointed)
Director (part-time): Mitsumasa Shibata (reappointed)
Auditor (part-time): Kimiyo Shibata (reappointed)


In addition, Tsuneo Saito, General Manager of Executive Officer Technology Development Division, retired on February 24 and became a full -time technical advisor.